Tagged: Carnival

Rio de Janeiro - The Calm Before the Storm

Rio de Janeiro – The Calm Before the Storm

Rio de Janeiro – The Calm Before the Storm. 18 March    I am not hung over after St. Patrick’s day.  What a treat! We had a relaxing one and we woke up in Cash and Csilla’s corridor sweatbox at about 10:30am.  Cash and Csilla have a cat who was taken away from her mother too early, so she suckles on the fuzz of a teddy bear that they have in the house.  Irmante has been trying to get the...

Rio de Janeiro Hangover Post-Carnaval Monday New Year

Rio de Janeiro Hangover Post-Carnaval Monday New Year

Rio de Janeiro Hangover Post-Carnaval Monday New Year. March 10. A loungy day.  Necessary.  So exhausted.  Slept until 9am.  Showered.  Slept again until noon.  My body needs rest.  It is the Rio de Janeiro hangover after carnaval concludes… The house got moving around 13:00 and we had breakfast.  Every morning for breakfast everyone has to dig ants out of their coffees.  Ants love stored sugar. I cooked breakfast for the household.  I made an omelette.  I thought I knew what I...

Rio de Janeiro Botafogo vs Flamengo

Rio de Janeiro Botafogo vs Flamengo

Rio de Janeiro Botafogo vs Flamengo. March 9. It was a lot of work to get Irmante moving today, as we did not get home until 6am, and the party was to start at 9am and go until 3pm.  The Brazilians know how to party.  They set alarm clocks to be able to get up in the mornings to party in the streets.  There were to be 500,000 people at the Carnaval Monobloco Finale party and I was not missing...

Rio de Janeiro Carnaval Parade E Samba Finale

Rio de Janeiro Carnaval Parade E Samba Finale

Rio de Janeiro Carnaval Parade E Samba Finale. March 8. It rained like crazy all day.  When we had the door of the house open when a cockroach the size my pinkie finger decided to have a meander in.  So, we got the cat, who caught the cockroach in her mouth, and then we carried the cat outside.  The cat dropped the cockroach in the rain, and we picked up the cat and brought her back into the house.  Eyebrows...

Petrópolis to Rio de Janeiro Vomit Drive

Petrópolis to Rio de Janeiro Vomit Drive. March 7. Irmante and I woke up in a very hot car in the downtown of Petrópolis at 10am, and there was a parking ticket on our window.  So, we took it off and walked to the hotel where Scottie and Shanna were staying.  Scottie looked terrible, like a man who drank a lot of tequila the night before.  He tried to shower off the look and the feeling, but it did not seem...

Rio de Janeiro - Carnaval Partying

Rio de Janeiro: Carnaval Partying

Rio de Janeiro: Carnaval Partying. March 5. Cash, Csilla, Irmante and I met with Scottie, Shanna, and Marie in the afternoon to do some sightseeing.  Scottie told me that he was having a hard time calling the car rental company.  He took the phone number down the the front desk at his hotel to ask some questions and they told him he had been calling the postal code…  Awesome! We had a beer and sightseeing turned into partying instead.  We...

Rio Carnaval Block Party Listings

Rio Carnaval Block Party Listings: Rio de Janeiro

Rio Carnaval Block Party Listings: Rio de Janeiro.  March 4. The day was a bit of a sleeper that dragged into 3pm before our world showed signs of life.  Carnaval is a exhausting when you live it ‘full blast.’  So, we just kind of licked our wounds today and I made this video of ‘Scottie, Sloth and the Cross-Dressers.’  We found out that the samba school coordinator was really happy with our performance in the parade.  That is great news....

Rio Carnaval Party Time: Rio de Janeiro

Rio Carnaval Party Time: Rio de Janeiro

Rio Carnaval Party Time: Rio de Janeiro. March 3. The Rio Carnaval Party is totally insane.  Today I had to rally the troops of my group as they were not motivated to party.  There were some that wanted to go to the beach, but I wanted to go to the Sergeant Pepper bloco party, that was a samba band that played only Beatles cover songs.  I put on a bit of pressure and nine of us went to Parque do...

Rio de Janeiro Carnaval

Learning Rio de Janeiro Carnaval

March 2. Rio de Janeiro Carnaval. After a late start, Csilla, Cash, Irmante and I got down the hill to meet Scottie, Shanna, and Marie.  It turns out that Christine is Marie.  I blew that.  We went and found a blocko party and a band was on a tall trailer, and they were called New Kids on the Blocko.  They played New Kids on the Block, Spice Girls, N-Sync, and Backstreet Boys.  The music was terrible, but the party was...

Mosquito Breast knee bites

Rio de Janeiro Favela Party

Rio de Janeiro Favela Party. March 1. Well, for starters, I found out that the word ‘sperm’ is used as a swear word in Brazilian Portuguese.  You might say, “Where in the sperm is my camera?”  That is funny! We had lunch and then we went to meet with Scottie Duncan Smith, a friend form Fillmore, Saskatchewan, who is here in Rio de Janeiro with a girl from Saskatoon and a girl from Sweden.  So, we met up and we...

Carnival Street Standstill Buses Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro Hooker

Rio de Janeiro Hooker. Feb 28. We got moving late today.  It is a zoo in this tiny little house with a dog, a cat, Csilla, Cash, and Irmante and I sleeping on mattresses in the corridor. It was hot…about 39 Celsius today…so we had a sweaty wake-up.  Cash took Irmante and I downtown to look at the area and the market, and I wanted to see a Rio de Janeiro hooker or two.  And, wow, there were some dandies....

Rio de Janeiro: Carnival Build-up

Rio de Janeiro: Carnival Build-up

Rio de Janeiro: Carnival Build-up. February 27. [su_dropcap]I[/su_dropcap] got up at 7:15am and went with Csilla to the international airport to pick up my special Girmante Sangrialatte from Lithuania.  So great to see her face at the airport.  The journey starts now.  I like to describe her as ‘Me with blond hair and boobs.’  How will her and I, two such similar people travel together?  That is going to be fascinating!  I can not wait to see how people who...