Category: Ethiopia 2016

Ethiopia to London – I am ‘Home’!

April 30 I arrived in my lovely and wonderful London at 07:00. My ‘London home’ feeling. The immigration man was typically English witty.   ‘STAMP’! [su_pullquote]Hearing the name ‘Cockfosters’ again for the first time in months is still ridiculous.[/su_pullquote] Fundon, I am home.   London…Baby, I am so glad to be here.  Everything about you is exciting.  Getting on the Tube is exciting.  Using my British bank card with no foreign fees is exciting.  Blending in as a typical white...

Genocide and Poverty in Ethiopia: Addis Ababa

April 29 I woke up at 11:00.  I did not want to get up then, but sleeping is no excuse for wasting the only day I have in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I talked to the guy at the front desk of Global Hotel and asked him how to get around the city.  He told me outrageous taxi prices.  I asked him if there is a local convi-taxi.  He said there was.  I told him, “I have been in Africa for...

Capetown to Addis Ababa

April 28 It took me forever to get my things together this morning.  But, that was sort of a convenience as I was waiting on wet clothes to continue drying.  The idea of arriving in London two days later and unzipping my backpack to pull out soggy clothes seems pretty unpleasant. [su_quote]It is my hair, and I can decide who cuts it.[/su_quote]Dani and I hung out for the day and went to a shopping mall in search of a haircut...