Category: South Africa

Capetown to Addis Ababa

April 28 It took me forever to get my things together this morning.  But, that was sort of a convenience as I was waiting on wet clothes to continue drying.  The idea of arriving in London two days later and unzipping my backpack to pull out soggy clothes seems pretty unpleasant. [su_quote]It is my hair, and I can decide who cuts it.[/su_quote]Dani and I hung out for the day and went to a shopping mall in search of a haircut...

Capetown Table Mountain

April 27 Dani was moving at 08:00 so I pulled myself totally out of a slumber as well to get ready for the day. Big idea – Hiking up Table Mountain – the geological and spiritual heart of Capetown.  We had plans to meet Dani’s friends at 10:00 to conquer the mountain on foot, but it started raining which put out everyone’s fires.  However, I needed to see it so I just took the cable car up the mountain for...

Capetown Waterfront and Muizenberg

April 25 I feel like I am turning into a jerk.  I do not mean to be, but my honesty is for sure more than most people are used to. Maybe it is more than most people can handle.  I often feel guilty after I have said something so profoundly honest, and I wish I would not because it is just honesty, but people usually mean well.  But, any tolerance I have for small errors in being a reasonable person...

Capetown Winos

April 24 Dani and I went out for breakfast and I indulged in a chocolate fudge cheesecake milkshake to start the day.  It is not exactly the cornerstone of nutrition, but it was damn good!  I do not regret it. Because I barely interacted with white people for the past six months, I forget about things we do, like growing really stupid mustaches that twirl and curl at the ends.  I saw a man with such a stache at the breakfast...

Capetown: Seeing Dani B

April 23 I slept really well in my reclining bus seat and did not even wake up until 08:30.  Sweet!  A good night of rest…  Those are rarities right now. Around 14:30, the bus pulled into Capetown, approximately 0:45h ahead of schedule.  Weird.  Not African style at all!  I sent a message to my friend Dani B who I spent two years working with in London to tell her that I was an early arrival.  She sent me a message...

Lesotho to Botswana: A Three Country Day

March 29 Another three country day.  Those are pretty big days…  And rare days, though I have had two of them in about a week… I was up early at the New Oxbow Lodge and out on the road by 08:00 to try to hitchhike my way out of Lesotho.  I do not want to leave this country at all.  Lesotho is this perfect little sweetheart that does nothing wrong and only makes you happy.  The people are wonderful.  People...

I befriended her on my walk. And then she gave me this pose. This is her rondavel, including satellite dish accessory.

Drunk Diaries – Sani Top Lodge, The Highest Pub in Africa

March 27 Usually, I think I am pretty sharp and a victor (or at least an equal against the competitors in the game of life)…but I was incapable of counting money about three minutes ago. The bartender was laughing at me.  Math is one of my strong suits.  I could not make my bills add to 30, and then when I tried to overcompensate that, I made them add to 70.  The bartender wanted to help me.  I told him,...

Swaziland to Lesotho: The Renegade Bus

March 24 Swaziland, a country where your mini-bus driving 80 km/h uses no signals to pass a police car in a 40 km/h zone.  Actually, we nearly rear-ended the police car because we were driving so fast… No issues.  No second guessing… I have met a guy here who has never ever heard of McDonald’s.  That is amazing.  That is beautiful! Swaziland is a safe country.  They still have the death penalty here, but hearsay is that no one has...

Johannesburg to Mbabane: Trying Witch-Doctor Potions

March 21 I said goodbye to Maritza in the morning and then Toby drove me into the center of Johannesburg.  The city is a massive, sprawling, urban area built of clusters of suburbs.  There are huge areas of population and then there are green areas with a forest. Then, another patch of city. The, more forest as you blast through it all on a freeway at 120 km/h.  Johannesburg is a very pretty. [su_pullquote align=”left”]2,000-3,000 curious tourists visit the museum...

Johannesburg: Hanging out in Maboneng

Johannesburg: Hanging out in Maboneng

March 20 Johannesburg: Hanging out in Maboneng. In 1886, there was a gold rush in this area that lead to the establishment of Johannesburg.  In fact, Johannesburg was referred to as “Egoli” or “The City of Gold”.  A mineral revolution was taking place at the time, and as a result, today there are many bleached-white and yellow-tailing mine-dumps standing high around the city.  It gives the city a very distinct, unique look with the unnatural man made piles of sifted-through...

Johannesburg: Affluent Rock and Roll Party

March 19 South Africa had quite a history, some of it very dark.  On February 1st 1991, a signing of a national peace accord took place where former president F. W. de Klerk promised to end an apartheid legislation and end the segregation of whites and blacks.  Up until 1991, covering a time frame of about 20 years, South Africa had a dark mark on their name because of the partisan.  This proud sports nation involved in cricket, rugby, football, where...

Johannesburg: Like Nothing I was Expecting

Johannesburg: Like Nothing I was Expecting

March 18 Johannesburg: Like Nothing I was Expecting. The bus arrived in Johannesburg at 06:00.  I was listening to the band Seether as we drove because they are the only band from South Africa that I really know anything about. Coming into Johannesburg was very interesting.  I have only heard terrible things about Johannesburg.  Car jacking.  Murder.  Theft.  Crime.  Gated communities.  I did not even really want to visit, but I had a friend here so I decided to come...

Bulawayo to Johannesburg: Back to the Future

Bulawayo to Johannesburg: Back to the Future

March 17 Bulawayo to Johannesburg: Back to the Future. Happy “I hope you drink Guinness all day” day!  It seems weird to not be drinking a lot of the black liquid gold today… I ran around Bulawayo, trying to find a place to print some photos to mail to friends.  I met a beautiful woman named Kimberly in a photo shop, but I am terrified of the 25% HIV population here in Zimbabwe.  I have decided to turn my crotch off...