Popayán: Contention

Popayán: Contention
Germany Wins

Popayán: Contention.
July 13.

There is nothing really more uninteresting than a semi-content man.  Contention takes the edge off and dulls a sharp knife.  I feel that right now in this awesome Colombian fling.  It is why, as a journalist, settling down really does not have any appeal to me at all right now. Life with contention is too easy and awesome. But the feeling can not last as a man will get uneasy in time. So, it is nice to just enjoy the ride.

It is pretty funny when you are in a restaurant and you go to order the menu of the day, which will include chicken and the waitress asks you something in Spanish that you do not understand.  Then you temporary gorgeous Colombian girlfriend begins flapping her arms like a chicken to show you that the waitress asked if you want chicken wings…  That is entertainment.

It was a slow start, but after lunch that was breakfast, Lucia and I went to the main shopping mall in the city.  There are about 20 little bar kiosks in the center and all of them had televisions for the World Cup Final game between Germany and Argentina.  Imagine going to the shopping mall at home to hang out in the center of it getting drunk while watching the football game…  Germany won the game 1-0 to become the rulers of the World (Cup).

In the evening Lucia and I needed to buy more condoms.  We went to a supermarket and as we were standing at the pharmacy counter a woman in her 40’s came to serve us.  I pointed to the rows of condoms and asked her in Spanish which ones she preferred.  She got embarrassed and told me that she did not know.  I asked her if she preferred to use none.  She was red, but she could not stop giggling.  Other people’s sex is funny.


p.s.  I received this awesome message tonight via googletranslate…  Life is good!
You are a wonderful a lovely man I like your energy, your smile is the first thing you notice when I met you …. jejejje thanks for sharing these days enjoy all your presence of your delicious kisses and good sex. I continue to enjoy Colombia but I think I’ll be missing that good people always leave footprints in your heart. This was a fun unique experience not possibly forget some tears gushing from my eyes for the women that we are light sensitive but no matter it’s just because I’m female. I would love you to stay a few more days and I understand but you continue this fantastic journey you do for South America. mmmmm writing inspire me I finally felt at your side like I know lifelong discovery I felt very confident that we have many things in common was only a week but I felt so. Thanks again and happy.  – Lucia

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