Tagged: Germany

Vimy Ridge – Photos and Facts of the Battlefield

Vimy Ridge – Photos and Facts of the Battlefield

Vimy Ridge in France is where the Canadian Corps won in a battle against the German Sixth Army on the 12th of April 1917 of the First World War.  The ridge had been under German control since October 1914.  Our guide Grégory, a man who possibly knows more about war history than any other human alive, broke down the events that took place and explained the battle to us.  I am not much of a nationalist, but I felt a...

Cartagena to Barranquilla: Murderers vs Killers

Cartagena to Barranquilla: Murderers vs Killers

Cartagena to Barranquilla: Murderers vs Killers. July 31. Sometimes one meets really sketchy dudes when drinking in front of a pharmacy at 3am.  Tonight was no exception… Marc and I caught a bus from Cartagena to Barranquilla.  I was fascinated to see what was in Barranquilla.  Shakira is from here so I assumed there was a lot of talent in town.  Marc and I were the only two gringos on the bus to get here.  I liked that and knew...

Popayán: Contention

Popayán: Contention

Popayán: Contention. July 13. There is nothing really more uninteresting than a semi-content man.  Contention takes the edge off and dulls a sharp knife.  I feel that right now in this awesome Colombian fling.  It is why, as a journalist, settling down really does not have any appeal to me at all right now. Life with contention is too easy and awesome. But the feeling can not last as a man will get uneasy in time. So, it is nice...

Popayán: My Hatred of Mass Tourism

Popayán: My Hatred of Mass Tourism

Popayán: My Hatred of Mass Tourism. July 8. Selfish girls piss me off.  Well, selfish guys piss me off too but a selfish girl is more selfish than a selfish guy.  She seems to expect more.  When the football game has begun and you come to the hostel to meet your friend and I so that we can hurry and get to a television to watch the game and you show up late, make us wait longer so that you...