Penhold: Motivation for Income Necessitation

Penhold: Motivation for Income Necessitation.
September 12.
It is tough to make myself to find a job right now because I still have money in the bank. I am not broke. If I was broke, I would have had a job already last week. But, trying to find a job when I have a bank account that could probably fund my existence until Christmas if I was in Central America makes it tough for me to go and get a job right now. Motivation for Income is not there. It is like trying to study for a test that is still three weeks away. All it does is frustrate me as I need to work until Christmas to make the money that I need to get on the road, but the longer I wait to get a job, the longer I am going to have to work, and the more Canadian winter I am going to have to endure and despise. I need some drive and Motivation for Income to get my ass in gear. I started poking around for a job last Friday afternoon, but Friday afternoon is not the best time to be hunting for a job. Then the weekend came and I thought I would wait until Monday. Then Monday I get in a truck with my friend to go to Alberta. Then I hung out with her for a couple of days. Then she drove me to my best friend’s house. Then he and I hung out for a couple of days. Then it was Friday again. That is today.
I got up with the intentions of kicking ass. I was just about to get things going and my friend Nevin who I have not see in about a year wanted to meet for lunch. That sounded better than finding a job. We drank beer, laughed, and talked about women and sex. That kicks the hell out of looking for a job.
He dropped me off at home, I took a couple of phone calls from friends and all of a sudden it was 3pm and Travis was home. So, maybe I will hunt for a job on Monday…
Travis and I made dinner, Nicole came home. We had Caerers to fire up the night and visit. I played with Kellen and was a crane operator who hauled dinosaurs from the floor up to the table. When the night quieted down, Travis and I played darts, drank beer until 4am and visited about life and elementary school. We re-discovered how much old Green Day kicks ass. It was a blast. There was a cabaret taking place in town, but I think Travis and I can have more fun just hanging out together than we would have out on the town.
Agreed. It is tough to travel when you are broke.