Popayán: The Phone Number

  • Popayán, Cauca, Colombia
    Popayán, Colombia
  • Popayán, Cauca, Colombia
  • Popayán, Cauca, Colombia
    Colombian beauties...
  • Popayán, Cauca, Colombia
  • Popayán, Cauca, Colombia
  • Popayán, Cauca, Colombia

Popayán: The Phone Number.
July 6.

Hanging out with a beautiful Colombian woman for the day is a pretty nice day to spend one in Popayán.

I met up with Lucia at 2:30pm and we went for lunch.  She can not speak a word of English and my Spanish would be somewhere around 1% if I was to write a test.  Last night when we were drunk, the alcohol made me intelligent enough that I could understand her.  Slightly hung-over and tired today made it impossible.  It is crazy how much it changed for me.  We had to go and buy a Spanish/English dictionary to make sense out of anything, and once we did we were rolling.

We walked the city of Popayán and climbed a hill to look at it from above.  My gorgeous little lady weighs 44kgs and is probably 150cms tall and she is packed with energy that she radiates.  What a package.  We came back to my hostel for a snuggling and kissing on my bed before we went out for dinner.  As we were eating pizza, she told me that in Colombia women usually decide when the sex will happen.  I acted totally surprised at the indecency of the culture here!  I made her laugh all day and had a lot of fun with her.  As we were sitting in the pizza place she wanted me to write down my email address for her, so I took a piece of paper from the back of my notepad, scribbled my email and handed her the paper.  As I handed her the paper I noticed some writing on the back of the paper.  I took the paper back to investigate what I was giving her and seen that on the back of the paper in a girl’s handwriting it said, ‘Natalia – 309 49…..’

…I casually took back the paper and began guiltily scribbling out whatever it may have said on the paper while smirking and looking at Lucia.  She knew exactly what it was and was laughing at me.  Eventually I just crumpled up the paper and re-wrote my email address on a clean sheet.  The last thing I wanted her to see was another Popayán phone number and a girl’s name….

Lucia walked me to my hostel and caught a cab home.  I can not talk her into staying overnight yet but I hope I do soon.  When I entered the hostel my Canadian friends were surprised to see me home so early.  I had a good visit with them and updated them on my love-life.  They seem to be enjoying how things have been going for me.  They are awesome fellow travel bloggers who know the ins and out and have been educating me on the work I need to do.  I told them silly stories until about midnight.

When I went to bed I checked my phone and my Whatsapp account.  Natalia had made a reference to me in her status in English saying ‘You’re my playground of love’ from four days ago that she had not changed yet and Lucia’s new photo was of her and I.  I am going to get into trouble here…

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