Cold Bogota – The Coldest Place in Colombia, the Capital

  • Bogota, Colombia
    Colombia, famous for its economy of pigeons in the town square.
  • Bogota, Colombia
    If i was a street vendor, I would like this to be my ride....
  • Bogota, Colombia
    Guinea pig gambling.
  • Bogota, Colombia
    Guinea pig gambling.
  • Bogota, Colombia
    The guinea pigs staring down the future of home selection.
  • Bogota, Colombia
    Though process.
  • Bogota, Colombia
    Separation from the group...
  • Bogota, Colombia
    Selection! Financial rewards for the owner.
  • Bogota, Colombia
    I really enjoyed the shaky cigarette smoking intensity that was here. Chess must be hard on the heart...
  • Bogota, Colombia
    This cow just loves hamburgers!
  • Bogota, Colombia
    Eating florescent light glass. Now that is entertainment!
  • Bogota, Colombia
    Standing in a pile of broken whiskey bottles...
  • Bogota, Colombia
    Hard entertainment.

Cold Bogota – The Coldest Place in Colombia, the Capital.
July 17. 
The shelf life of Colombian women does not seem to be very good.  It seems like a difficult task to find a woman under 25 in this country is not attractive.  It seems to be as equally difficult to find a woman over 35 who is.  It takes the edge off their knife of the future.

I am also concerned about how far I am away from women my age getting the ‘old woman’ ass.  You know the ass I am talking about.  A woman maintains a great figure through her whole life but she ends up with that typical old woman ass.  Is that 10 years away?  Less?  It is a scary thought.  All I know is that I meet women who I am sure are 7 or 8 years older than me and when I the conversation heads towards age, I find out they are two years younger than me.  Women my age are starting to look pretty old.  It is a shame that external beauty is so timid and disappears too early in life when there will be so many more years to live as it is fading. It is something I will have to learn how to deal with as a shallow man…

It is cold in Bogota.  It is 14 degrees, which is what it averages through the year.  Well that is a long way from freezing to death outside, it is pretty cold after wearing shorts and a t-shirt at night for weeks now.  It rained off and on through the entire day which I was told is an average day in cold Bogota.  This is a hot country.  It is hot almost everywhere.  For some reason Colombia seemed to decide to put their capital in the place where the weather is the worst it could be within their borders.  I wondered how the Colombians were able to cope when so many of them were working with me in London.  It turns out that they were probably more comfortable there…

There is a street in cold Bogota, Carrera 7, that is about 2 kilometers long with no traffic on it and the locals have made it sort of a flea-market/arts fair.  There is a lot of excitement down there and with street painting art taking place, tango dancing, stressful chess competitions, people selling junk they have found, book sales, and my highlight of the day; guinea pig races.  A man had a collection of bowl houses about 10 meters from where four guinea pigs were huddled together in the cold on the street.  Each of the bowl houses had a number on the top and an entrance into the bowl.  People were placing money on the top of the bowl they thought would be the most convenient destination for the guinea pig about to make a break for it.  A guinea pig was separated from it three friends and made a dart for a bowl.  Whoever had money on the top of the guinea pig selected bowl was the winner.  It was a lot of fun.  These guinea pigs had a way better gig than their counterparts in Peru or Ecuador.  They were not being eaten…

The other highlight was a Colombian man who had a pile of smashed whiskey bottles that he was walking on, kneeling on and sitting on.  He was eating glass from a fluorescent light.  But the crazy highlight for me was when he took a regular table steak knife, and with no trickery he pushed it into one of his nostrils until it was buried to the handle.  The he did the other nostril for us.  It made everyone very squeamish, but it was incredible.

On the walk back to the hostel I seen a woman sitting at a regular vendors table on the sidewalk and she was selling sunglasses.  As I walked past her, she had her child on her lap and a breast out that the child was nursing from with its lips around the nipple.  The mother took a pair of sunglasses and put them on the face of the nursing child.  It was just such a ridiculous gesture to make the toddler nursing from your breast cooler by putting a pair of shades on it.  It is an image I can not get out of my head…

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