Tagged: Isla San Cristóbal
Galapagos: Isla San Cristóbal to Isla Santa Cruz: A Man Needs a Rest. June 20. Yesterday I changed hostels because I was having internet trouble. I asked the new hostel before I moved in if they had ‘Agua Caliente,’ hot water. I asked two different people at two different times. Both times I was told, “Si!” So, I took my bag of life to the room they directed me up the stairs towards. And then I did not have hot...
Isla San Cristóbal, Galapagos – Swimming with Sharks. June 19. On never enough sleep because I like to party as much as I like to tour, I dragged my ass out of bed at 7am to get to the boat on time. It was $80 for a day adventure to Kicker Rock/León Dormido to snorkel with sharks, rays and turtles. All companies are about the same calibre when buying the trip, but the price varies from place to place and...
Galapagos: Isla San Cristóbal Nude. June 18. Up at the crack of too early to meet my friends for an Isla San Cristóbal mountain bike ride though some mounds of earth that were far too tall for any kind of pleasure, including a volcano which is certain to explain that we were shy of level roads. It was $10 after some haggling in a center street store in Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, but we got six moderately good bikes. It has been...
Isla San Cristóbal: How Galapagos were Created. June 17. How Galapagos were created is that beneath the Galapagos Islands is a hot spot/volcano that releases magma into molten lava that rides to the surface. How Galapagos were created is the hot spot never moves but the Galapagos are on a tectonic plate called Nazca and this plate moves 3 centimeters each year towards the continent of South America. How Galapagos were created is that the eastern islands of the Galapagos...
Isla Santa Cruz to Isla San Cristóbal: Consistent Animal Entertainment. June 16. At 8am, I went to get on my boat to Isla Floreana and I was told that it was cancelled because there were not enough people on it to make the trip. That was after the morning boat to San Cristóbal had already left. So, I hung out at the fish market for about an hour to watch the fiasco taking place with the sea lions, pelicans and humans. ...