Tagged: Club

Fish River Canyon, a Club, a Bus

April 22 I was up at 05:30 to get to the Fish River Canyon viewpoint before sunrise.  On the drive, a herd of zebras ran across the small roadway in front of me.  Africa is special… The Fish River Canyon is the second biggest canyon in the world after the Grand Canyon in Arizona.  I now have seen them both and Fish River is equally beautiful.  The colors are magnificent.  And the depth of the canyon, cut by the river…incredible. ...

New Gringo King

Popayán – Colombia’s New Gringo King

July 4 This is getting out of control, but it is as much fun as I could possibly be having.  Colombia has a New Gringo King!  I am on a hot streak that is so awesome that I nearly burn things that I sit on… I woke up in a lot of dog hair from the shaggy creature that lives in the house of my friend Glory.  Actually, Glory woke me up as she was on her phone all morning...

Sucre: New Holland

Sucre: New Holland

Sucre: New Holland. May 1. At Spanish class today, my teacher Edson mentioned the Mercado Negro in Sucre.  I asked him if that was where I could go to buy a black person.  Edson is a very sweet person who has probably never offended anyone in his life.  I wish I was an artist and I could paint that face of confused horror which presented itself between his eyes and his chin.  He took my question for face value and...

Montevideo to Buenos Aires: No Sleep City

Montevideo to Buenos Aires: No Sleep City

Montevideo to Buenos Aires: No Sleep City. April 5. I woke up when Irmante was kicking the bottom of my bunk bed.  I looked down at her.  She told me it was noon.  Time to get moving from Montevideo to Buenos Aires.  We had to hurry to pull ourselves together to get to the ferry.  She was really hung over and sick and grumpy and miserable about everything.  But, she came through the other side. It cost us $37 U.S....