Tagged: Touts

Moshi: A Piece of Meat

Moshi: A Piece of Meat

Moshi: A Piece of Meat. Dec 30 Meet Silus: – Silus is from the Massai tribe.  His village is 30 km away from Moshi, Tanzania. – There are Maasai people everywhere in Tanzania and many in Kenya.  They all speak the same language, which is amazing because there are 100’s of languages in Tanzania alone with all of the different tribes, and yet this one massive tribe across two countries speaks the same language.  – His father has five wives.  All...

Stone Town to Dar Es Salaam: It's Good to Stay at the....

Stone Town to Dar Es Salaam: It’s Good to Stay at the….

Stone Town to Dar Es Salaam: It’s Good to Stay at the…. Dec 28 “Young man, are you listening to me?” I am lacking sleep because I think my Facebook and email accounts were hacked into through the internet at Sofia’s place.  That really happens?  Really?  Marc had been suspicious of it happening to him through her internet and last night things got fishy on me.  So, I was up until 02:00 changing passwords to accounts and the hassle of...

Cartagena: South American Exit

Cartagena: South American Exit

Cartagena: South American Exit. August 12. For days Marc and I have been talking about how we do not get hungover from Club Colombia beer because it is not very strong.  Today was a different day.  We had plans to go to Playa Blanca today, but I was too hungover and tired to be able to get out of bed at 8:30am.  When I opened my eyes again it was 11am.  Club Colombia cervesa finally got me. We had a...

Cartagena: Life is a Beach

Cartagena: Life is a Beach

Cartagena: Life is a Beach. July 30. I met a very pretty girl in our hostel dorm room today.  She looked at me and asked me in Spanish which bed I was sleeping in.  I pointed to the one beside hers.  She laughed.  It had been dark last night when I returned to the dorm and I found a girl on her phone and asked her to be my light while I tried to put sheets on my bed.  She...