La Paz: How Did it Get to This?
La Paz: How Did it Get to This?
May 12
Well, it got ugly last night in La Paz. I had altitude sickness all day after we got down from Huayna Potosi, but my night time I was feeling quite celebratory. The English boys and I got at the booze, and I decided to drink hard liquor, which never works out well for me. But it was my birthday at midnight. I blacked out most of the night, but I talked to a girl today in the hostel who told me that it looked like I had a lot of fun. We drank in the hostel bar and then we went to Hard Rock Cafe La Paz. My memories in there are pretty hazy. I do remember telling the girl at the door that I worked for the company for years, and I remember trying to have a conversation with the bartender about Hard Rock and then apologizing to him for being so drunk. I can remember nothing else of the bar except for finding my friends.
I woke up in the wrong bed in my hostel and there is a picture on my camera of a girl kissing me on the cheek in my bed. I assume Tom took that. Later I found a note from in my pocket book where he told me that he brought me back to the hostel just about in one piece. What a wreck I was. I would like to sleep more of this hang over off, but I am not tired enough for some reason. I have not really slept in days, because of everything we have been doing and altitude sleeping, but I still can not sleep.
I called Canada today to talk to some family. It was nice to hear those voices. It is a little bit weird to call home to be like, “Hey, I am calling to see if you want to wish me a happy birthday?” But there is no way for anyone to call me so that is how the system has to work.
Most of the day was wasted in La Paz on feeling terrible and I went to the bar in Loki Hostel briefly in the evening where I drove two beer into me, but my stomach wanted no part of a party. I was back at my private room and in bed by 11pm on the day of my birthday. Last night was just too much…
p.s. A Jewish nose sure can ruin a pretty Israeli girl…
p.p.s. I am sore from the mountain climb. There is a muscle that I did not know existed that aches in my hip…