Tagged: Shopping

Cusco: Trying to Be Nicer in this City I do not Like

Cusco: Trying to Be Nicer in this City I do not Like

Cusco: Trying to Be Nicer in this City I do not Like. May 31. My friend tells me that we have been in seven different hostels in the past seven days and she is wearing out.  I thought this was par for the course.  I move fast!  But, we will spend a second night in our Cusco hostel tonight. It was an awesome morning of having no plans and no need to be anywhere, so she and I spend all...

Montevideo Party Time

Montevideo Party Time

Montevideo Party Time.  March 30. Lazy, and out of bed at 12:30pm.  I was tired.  Irmante was sick as a sick dog because she did not starve herself from food and water to choke the sunofagun of a cold off.  So, I went on a health shopping spree for her and tried to sort her future out.  I drew a mustache on her with a marker.  It was a rainy shitty day. I made buddies with the guy who runs...

Paraguay Consulate is Where in Rio de Janeiro?

Paraguay Consulate is Where in Rio de Janeiro?

Paraguay Consulate is Where in Rio de Janeiro? March 12. Vacation means, “We have to get up early tomorrow to head to the Paraguay consulate,” and that means getting up at the crack of 10:00am dawn.  And that is awesome! Life is good, even if I am still fired up of the hassle of this Canadian passport and the visa situation of this continent.  We headed for the Paraguay consulate so that I could sort out a $137 internet informed...