Tagged: Santa Marta

Santa Marta to Cartagena: Back to a Dirty, Expensive, Lousy City

Santa Marta to Cartagena: Back to a Dirty, Expensive, Lousy City

Santa Marta to Cartagena: Back to a Dirty, Expensive, Lousy City. August 10.  The times they are a changing.  Marc and I said goodbye to Knut today as we headed from Santa Marta to Cartagena.  I liked hanging out with him. It took five and a half hours by local but to get from Santa Marta to Cartagena and then we had a tough time trying to find a hostel as the town seemed to be booked up.  We lucked out...

Cabo de la Vela to Santa Marta: Surprise Fiesta

Cabo de la Vela to Santa Marta: Surprise Fiesta

Cabo de la Vela to Santa Marta: Surprise Fiesta. August 9. Girls in Colombia have a huge party for their 15th birthday.  It is their biggest birthday of their lives and they dress as nicely as possible to be exceptionally pretty for that special night.  In Colombia, they say that an ugly woman is a woman who has never turned 15. Am I tired of Colombia or am I just tired of t fight for a fair price for everything...

Barranquilla to Taganga: Pressured

Barranquilla to Taganga: Pressured

Barranquilla to Taganga: Pressured. Aug 1. Girls drive me crazy…  It is because they are nuts.  I just feel like they are totally irrational…all of the time. Marc, Knut and I went for lunch in a place in Barranquilla where there were chickens walking running though our legs.  I like a fun restaurant like that.  I caught a chicken and hypnotized it for them.  That entertains people. We wanted to get from Barranquilla to Taganga, so we packed up at...