Tagged: Propane

Regina – Beer Dog

Regina – Beer Dog

Regina – Beer Dog. September 5 Beaner told me that stench is added to propane because it is actually odourless.  That is my interesting fact of the day.  I wonder how it was agreed on what the international stench added would smell like.  Perhaps someone create a smell and everyone said, “This scent furthermore will represent propane and will never represent anything else.  Hereto, all propane processed on earth will have this specific smell added to its gastric compound.”  That...

Rio de Janeiro Hangover Post-Carnaval Monday New Year

Rio de Janeiro Hangover Post-Carnaval Monday New Year

Rio de Janeiro Hangover Post-Carnaval Monday New Year. March 10. A loungy day.  Necessary.  So exhausted.  Slept until 9am.  Showered.  Slept again until noon.  My body needs rest.  It is the Rio de Janeiro hangover after carnaval concludes… The house got moving around 13:00 and we had breakfast.  Every morning for breakfast everyone has to dig ants out of their coffees.  Ants love stored sugar. I cooked breakfast for the household.  I made an omelette.  I thought I knew what I...