Tagged: Orgasmo

Popayán: Colombian Rock Out

Popayán: Colombian Rock Out

Popayán: Colombian Rock Out. July 12. Table salt in Colombia comes in two forms; regular and diet.  Diet salt has 40% less sodium.  What is the point…  Just cut the salt out.  It makes me think of the massive people who came to Hard Rock Cafe and ordered a massive hamburger, french fries, onion rings, and a diet coke to drink, followed by a massive brownie sundae.  Diet companies must make millions. ‘Knight Rider’ is ‘Auto Fantastico’ in Spanish. El...

Popayán: Heaven...

Popayán: Heaven…

Popayán: Heaven… July 11. Why is it that religious people need to try and shove their bullshit and their heaven in other people’s faces?  I have made a decision on what I think.  You have made a decision on what you think.  Let us just leave it at that.  But, no, they can not have it that way.  Their system, their values, and the book where they read about an invisible policeman and heaven is outdated.  We have governments to control...

Popayán: Plan A and Plan B

Popayán: Plan A and Plan B

Popayán: Plan A and Plan B. July 10. Learning a new language is hard to make yourself do.  I try to make 35 excuses of why I do not have time to study to avoid doing it.  Then as soon as I begin to study and learn, I think, “This is effing awesome.  Why was I not doing this earlier and why was I putting it off?!”  It is the exact same experience I have every single time I catch...

Popayán: Colombian Snack

Popayán: Colombian Snack

Popayán: Colombian Snack. July 9. People love my wooden sunglasses.  I get a compliment on them nearly every day by someone.  When people ask me, “What are they made from?” my standard response is, “I think a small Chinese child’s hands…”  The reality is that it is probably entirely honest and that is pretty sad… My dates with Lucia include me carrying a Spanish/English dictionary like it is my man-purse.  It is necessary for communication with her and vocabulary.  My...