Tagged: Ocean

Cod Fishing in Newfoundland: Pollards Point

Cod Fishing in Newfoundland: Pollards Point

We were catching the fish and we were jigging them as well, meaning that sometimes we would catch the fish with hooks in their mouth when they went for the lures, but also we would just catch them in the side or the fin when we would jig and that would bring them up as well. The ocean is extremely bountiful!

Lima, Trujillo, to Huanchaco: Oceanside...You Have Been Missed

Lima, Trujillo, to Huanchaco: Oceanside…You Have Been Missed

Lima to Huanchaco: Oceanside…You Have Been Missed. June 3. Take a bus north of Lima to Huanchaco some time in your life.  It will blow your mind.  Lima is in the middle of a desert.  In fact, the whole of the west coast of South America that I have seen so far seems to be a desert.  But, the road that will take you into northern Peru out of Lima to Huanchaco is something else.  The highway is build on the...

Santiago to La Serena: A Gorgeous Drive

Santiago to La Serena: A Gorgeous Drive. April 18. Irmante woke me up and I was hung over.  It was a really fun night.  I sure would have liked to have had sex, but it was really nice to make-out with a girl last night.  That is fun!  I would have liked to have spent a couple of days with Annette if her and my travel circumstances were different as I found her very interesting.  An attractive woman who has...