Tagged: Mine

Bulembu: Abandoned Asbestos Mining Ghost-Town

March 23 Swaziland is far more developed than I ever would have guessed.  It sort of feels ahead of South Africa, though it has its crazy, charming traditional ways that it hangs onto.  I was expecting grass skirts and grass huts here.  Instead, it is huge supermarkets, strip malls and restaurants that could be in Europe.  Yea, in Swaziland.  I know.  It is weird for me too… Oh, and another weird thing for me is how people call money “bucks”...

The 43,000 Year Old Iron Ore Mine in Ngwenya

March 22 Here, try this.  Here is a handy-dandy set of helper words if you are about to arrive in Swaziland! [su_box title=”Some siSwati Phrases:” box_color=”#d2cece” title_color=”#070606″ radius=”1″] Hello – Sawubona Thank you – Ngiyabonga (I), Siyabonga (we) Goodbye – Hamba kahle (go well) Goodbye – Sala kahle (stay well) How are you ? – Kunjanl? I am well — Ngikhona How much? — Malini? Yes – Yebo No – Cha[/su_box] It was misting all day, but I really wanted...

Potosi Mine and Removing Desert Grime

Potosi Mine and Removing Desert Grime

Potosi Mine and Removing Desert Grime. April 26.  We slept in a nice hostel last night and I got up at 8am to have my clothes washed in two hours, so that they will be ready when I start my day.  Cleanliness!  Those jeans.  Science might like them as there is sure to be something useful in that grime.  They should have probably been washed alone.  They were last washed in Buenos Aires and I think I have worn them...