Tagged: Mendoza

Mendoza to Santiago: Crossing the Andes and Bar Make-Outs

Mendoza to Santiago: Crossing the Andes and Bar Make-Outs

Mendoza to Santiago: Crossing the Andes and Bar Make-Outs. April 17.   I woke up hung over, which was fine because yesterday was a blast.  Irmante and I head for our bus Mendoza to Santiago that would take us from Argentina to Chile.  As we boarded the Mendoza to Santiago bus, someone had their things in my allocated seat.  A woman standing there told me that the people who had put their possessions there had not realized the seating.  Then...

Maipú Mendoza Wine Bicycle Vineyard Hop

Maipú Mendoza Wine Bicycle Vineyard Hop

Maipú Mendoza Wine Bicycle Vineyard Hop. April 16.   Life is a funny thing.  Here we are on a rock flying through space, rotating on its axis at 1670 km/h.  Some humans are in an office crunching numbers.  Some are preforming surgery.  We chose today to rent bicycles for $5 and ride around Maipú, Argentina, drinking samples of wine in a vineyard, and then riding off to the next vineyard, then drinking samples of wine, then riding….  What a day....

Mendoza: Do the Do

Mendoza: Do the Do

Mendoza: Do the Do. April 15. I woke up in a seat on the bus when we were two hours outside of Mendoza.  The land here looks a little like the outback of Australia except the earth is not red.  This is sort of miles and miles in all directions of vast nothingness and only bushes and shrubs for vegetation.  There is an odd shack here and there, but there is nothing for people to live on here, so there...

Buenos Aires to Mendoza: Sketchy Exchange Hustlers and Bus Fuss

Buenos Aires to Mendoza: Sketchy Exchange Hustlers and Bus Fuss

Buenos Aires to Mendoza: Sketchy Exchange Hustlers and Bus Fuss. April 14. I packed my bag when I got moving and then Irmante and I headed into the center to change the rest of our money.  There was a lousy exchange rate today, so it was a battle to get a good deal and Irmante was impatient, which was driving me nuts.  Eventually, I settled on far less than I would have liked to have taken at 10.15pesos/USD just to...