Tagged: Maseru

Roma: The Middle Finger

March 25 You know when you hit something of a lull in your travels and you start thinking that maybe it is time to wrap this up, and then you have a magical day and you are just like, “Holy!  And I was thinking about turning in for a bit!?”  Today was one of those days.  It is like the travel spirits do not want me to stop. I got up at the house where I was staying and had...

Swaziland to Lesotho: The Renegade Bus

March 24 Swaziland, a country where your mini-bus driving 80 km/h uses no signals to pass a police car in a 40 km/h zone.  Actually, we nearly rear-ended the police car because we were driving so fast… No issues.  No second guessing… I have met a guy here who has never ever heard of McDonald’s.  That is amazing.  That is beautiful! Swaziland is a safe country.  They still have the death penalty here, but hearsay is that no one has...