Tagged: Gringos

Popayán to Cartagena: Beating an Airline

Popayán to Cartagena: Beating an Airline

Popayán to Cartagena: Beating an Airline. July 29. This morning as Lucia went to have a shower before work, I was awakened by a couple moving into the dorm at about 8am.  The pretty girl was apologetic in English rather than Spanish.  A conversation between us took place.  She was from Minnesota and asked me if I was an American.  I told her I was from Big Beaver, Saskatchewan.  She made a funny face and said, “I think I have...

Popayán to San Agustín – The Worst Road in Colombia, So Far

Popayán to San Agustín – The Worst Road in Colombia, So Far

Popayán to San Agustín – The Worst Road in Colombia, So Far. July 25. Colombia is the type of country where a man in the center of a town square has a scale at his feet, and he will charge you C$1000 to find out your weight.  Opportunistic.  Colombia also calls people who want to sell you crap, ‘Snake Charmers.’  I like that.  Colombia also has traffic rules but is also a ‘make your own rules’ kind of country.  Many...

Bogota to Medellin

Bogota to Medellin – Lesbians with No English Trump English Speaking Gringos

July 21.  Bogota to Medellin. Beer is the same price as water in Colombia.  Surely that and the hot weather is one contributing factor to why it is a third world country.  It is always warm enough so that if you do not work to make enough money to cover your rent, you will not freeze to death.  With no pressing need to make sure you survive the winter, you might as well drink beer instead. I decided to pull...