Tagged: Gisenyi

Gisenyi to Kinigi: Dian Fossey Gorilla Facts and Child Mobs

Gisenyi to Kinigi: Dian Fossey Gorilla Facts and Child Mobs

Gisenyi to Kinigi: Dian Fossey Gorilla Facts and Child Mobs. Feb 5 [su_box title=”A Dumb-White Guy Conversation with my Motorcycle Taxi Driver” box_color=”#d2cece” title_color=”#070606″]Me – “Have you ever seen the gorillas?” Taxi guy – “What?” Me – “You looking gorillas?” Taxi guy – “Have I gorillas?” Me – “Yes.” Taxi guy – “No, gorillas in forest.” [/su_box] It is amazing how much small situations can totally alter your entire direction and where you are going in life.  I do not mean,...

Gisenyi: Spinning Tires

Gisenyi: Spinning Tires

Gisenyi: Spinning Tires. Feb 4 [su_note note_color=”#b0b1b6″ text_color=”#030303″ radius=”1″]Well this is fantastic…. “Either you’re happy with very little, free from all of that extra luggage, because you have happiness on the inside or you don’t get anywhere!  I am not advocating poverty.  I am advocating sobriety.  But since we have invented a consumer society, the economy must constantly grow.  If it fails to increase, it’s a tragedy.  We have invented a mountain of superfluous needs.  Shopping for the new, discarding...

Kibuye to Gisenye: Motorcycling Rwanda

Kibuye to Gisenye: Motorcycling Rwanda

Kibuye to Gisenye: Motorcycling Rwanda. Feb 3 There was a bus that was going to leave at 07:00 to go from Kibuye to Gisenyi, but that meant a 06:00 rise.  I figured I would try to find another way or hitchhike if I had to, but I did not need to get up so early for the bus.  By the time I showered, packed and was ready, it was 10:00.  My friend Martin from Germany was heading to a town...