Tagged: Condoms

Swaziland to Lesotho: The Renegade Bus

March 24 Swaziland, a country where your mini-bus driving 80 km/h uses no signals to pass a police car in a 40 km/h zone.  Actually, we nearly rear-ended the police car because we were driving so fast… No issues.  No second guessing… I have met a guy here who has never ever heard of McDonald’s.  That is amazing.  That is beautiful! Swaziland is a safe country.  They still have the death penalty here, but hearsay is that no one has...

Bukoba: Beachside on Lake Victoria

Bukoba: Beachside on Lake Victoria

Bukoba: Beachside on Lake Victoria. Jan 22 I woke up far too early, expecting to arrive between 05:00 and 06:00 in Bukoba like they had told me.  Yea, we arrived at 06:40.  Africa.  I believe too much in what people tell me here.  I read somewhere that Africans say, “Europeans have watches, but we have time.” [su_pullquote] “Europeans have watches, but we have time.”[/su_pullquote] I got off the boat with my new friends Jasmine from China and Mike from Manchester.  Yesterday,...

Inspiration, Condoms, Dental Floss, and Local Yelling.

Mwanza: Inspiration, Condoms, Dental Floss, and Local Yelling

Mwanza: Inspiration, Condoms, Dental Floss, and Local Yelling. Jan 19 [su_note note_color=”#b0b1b6″ text_color=”#030303″ radius=”19″]And just when I think how tough it can be in Africa as a Caucasian man battling through the touts, the would-be scammers, and the relentless drunks, I meet a young Chinese girl staying in the guesthouse who is traveling all alone and barely speaks English.  Yeah, I know.  And that makes me think that I kind of suck and am being a little bitch.  Imagine the...