Tagged: Coke

Mbulu: Defensive Driving and Operating a Knife

Mbulu: Defensive Driving and Operating a Knife

Mbulu: Defensive Driving and Operating a Knife. Jan 6 The way they drive in Tanzania… it is truly amazing.  It is a developing country thing…  If I were to try to explain what is in each driver’s mind it would be, ‘I drive fast and I have no idea what I am doing.  I am going to honk my horn when I make any moves so that you can be prepared for whatever I am doing that I should not...

A Goat for a Wedding Present

A Goat for a Wedding Present

A Goat for a Wedding Present It was a Friday afternoon when Fatty called me and asked if I want to go 50/50 in buying a goat with him for our friend Luke’s wedding present.  Fatty had originally asked Luke if he wanted a raccoon or a badger for the nuptial tribute.  Luke jokingly said, “A badger.”  But, short of time to try to catch one of those, Fatty came up with this other fantastic idea.  Gifting Luke and Kimberlee...