Tagged: Alcohol

Storage Room Hostel Sex

Storage Room Hostel Sex

Storage Room Hostel Sex. My friend Kate has been managing hostels for years.  I asked her for her best story.  She told me this: “There were three girls lined up at the reception desk to check-in.  I can not remember what time it was, but people had not checked-out of the rooms from the night before yet, so I guess it was before 11:00am.  Behind the three girls were three guys, and the three girls and the three guys kind of...

Santa Marta to Cartagena: Back to a Dirty, Expensive, Lousy City

Santa Marta to Cartagena: Back to a Dirty, Expensive, Lousy City

Santa Marta to Cartagena: Back to a Dirty, Expensive, Lousy City. August 10.  The times they are a changing.  Marc and I said goodbye to Knut today as we headed from Santa Marta to Cartagena.  I liked hanging out with him. It took five and a half hours by local but to get from Santa Marta to Cartagena and then we had a tough time trying to find a hostel as the town seemed to be booked up.  We lucked out...