Shin Kicking World Championship in Cotswold
Convincing a 20 year old to get out of bed at 10:30 is no easy feat…
It turns out that playing Slayer really loud at 10:45 will make the transition happen! Now you know…
Convincing a 20 year old to get out of bed at 10:30 is no easy feat…
It turns out that playing Slayer really loud at 10:45 will make the transition happen! Now you know…
April 30 I arrived in my lovely and wonderful London at 07:00. My ‘London home’ feeling. The immigration man was typically English witty. ‘STAMP’! [su_pullquote]Hearing the name ‘Cockfosters’ again for the first time in months is still ridiculous.[/su_pullquote] Fundon, I am home. London…Baby, I am so glad to be here. Everything about you is exciting. Getting on the Tube is exciting. Using my British bank card with no foreign fees is exciting. Blending in as a typical white...