Tagged: Sea Turtle

Isla San Cristóbal, Galapagos – Swimming with Sharks

Isla San Cristóbal, Galapagos – Swimming with Sharks

Isla San Cristóbal, Galapagos – Swimming with Sharks. June 19. On never enough sleep because I like to party as much as I like to tour, I dragged my ass out of bed at 7am to get to the boat on time.  It was $80 for a day adventure to Kicker Rock/León Dormido to snorkel with sharks, rays and turtles.  All companies are about the same calibre when buying the trip, but the price varies from place to place and...

Isla Isabela, Galapagos Los Tunels Tour

Isla Isabela, Galapagos Los Tunels Tour

Isla Isabela, Galapagos Los Tunels Tour. June 13. Up for a Galapagos Los Tunels tour at 7am after finally getting to sleep around 1:30am.  This is burning the candle at both ends.  I am afraid to look back to see how many days of insanity that have passed in a row this has been for.  8:20am in Ecuador means 8:40.  Eventually a boat hauled about 12 of us through very rough waters for 50 minutes to an area for snorkelling...