Tagged: Otavalo

Cotacachi: Inti Raymi Party of the Sun.

Cotacachi: Inti Raymi Party of the Sun

Cotacachi: Inti Raymi Party of the Sun. June 30. Part 1: I met a random person in the Otavalo post office today who told me through my broken Spanish that there was a huge fiesta taking place in Cotacachi, a village 15 minutes away.  Never interested in missing a party, I headed for the town on a $0.25 bus. Cotacachi is an almost entirely indigenous Ecuadorian community and it took me hours to find out what the peculiar festival taking place...

Otavalo: A Fantastic, Sleepy, Little Town

Otavalo: A Fantastic, Sleepy, Little Town

Otavalo: A Fantastic, Sleepy, Little Town. June 29. I like you Ecuador.  I like your people.  I like your scenery.  I like how cheap things are.  Your women are beautiful.  Spending $2.50 on a daily set menu with soup, a plate of food and a drink is awesome.  You possess the Galapagos.  You have this wonderful little town called Otavalo that makes me happy.  The only knock I have on you is your terrible watery beer.  I hope that will...

Quito to Otavalo: San Antonio Rock Festival

Quito to Otavalo: San Antonio Rock Festival

Quito to Otavalo: San Antonio Rock Festival. June 28. A man spends his whole life hoping that the most beautiful woman at the scene will stare a hole through him with her eyes.  Then on those rare occasions when it actually happens, it scares the hell out of him.  My confidence was not prepared.  And I like to think that I am a pretty brave and self-assured person.  Some days, a man just does not have it… My Mexican friend Maya,...