Shin Kicking World Championship in Cotswold
Convincing a 20 year old to get out of bed at 10:30 is no easy feat…
It turns out that playing Slayer really loud at 10:45 will make the transition happen! Now you know…
Convincing a 20 year old to get out of bed at 10:30 is no easy feat…
It turns out that playing Slayer really loud at 10:45 will make the transition happen! Now you know…
June 6. Party Boy Wakes Up. I had a late start, but after a swim in the ocean a girl began walking towards me and she was walking towards me with that walk where you know that the person is going to approach you. I stood still as she walked my way until she took off her glasses and I recognized her as Angelique from Germany who held the flashlight in Sucre while the English girl peed in the middle...