Tagged: Northwest Territories

Driving from the Northwest Territories to Alberta.

Canada Driving from the Northwest Territories to Alberta.

Canada Driving from the Northwest Territories to Alberta. Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, Canada.  14 January 2018. I had an alarm set for 10:00. Alarms are terrible on vacation. It took some time, but Julie and I eventually got out of bed.  Showers. Pack the car. Dead battery. Great… It was Arctic cold again, -34° Celsius, so it was hard to blame the car for not wanting to fire-up. Had it not been for our morning fire-up in the room, I may...

Entering the Northwest Territories: Fort Chipewyan to Fort Smith.

Entering the Northwest Territories of Canada: Fort Chipewyan to Fort Smith.

Entering the Northwest Territories: Fort Chipewyan to Fort Smith. 13 January 2018 (continued. Click here for dog sledding first part). Fort Chipewyan, Alberta, Canada.  At 13:00, after some convincing from everyone in the community, Julie and I left Barbara and Robert Grandjambe’s house, gassed up the car up in Fort Chipewayn for $1.60/liter, and drove north. It would be a 3.5 hour trip from Fort Chipewyan, Alberta to Fort Smith, Northwest Territories. Neither Julie nor I had been to any...