Tagged: Kill

Serengeti Safari Lion Buffalo Feast - Day 2

Serengeti Safari Lion Buffalo Feast – Safari in Africa Day 2

Serengeti Safari Lion Buffalo Feast – Day 2. Jan 13 We were up at 05:20 to start our day with a fantastic sunrise.  The Serengeti is so alive. Within five minutes of us parking to watch the sun bring in the day, a jackal came walking past our Land Cruiser.  Five minutes after that, a hyena came walking along right next to our vehicle. Serenget is the Maasai word for ‘land of endless plain’.  The flat goes as far as...

Pablo Escobar Tour, Meeting Roberto Ecsobar – Medellin

Pablo Escobar Tour – 22 July 2014, The tour bus picked me up from my hostel.  I was on the afternoon Pablo Escobar Tour because the morning tour was full, but there were only three of us this morning.  That would allow me a lot of room to ask a lot of questions!  I am a tour guide’s dream for a while.  But then he tires of having to answer so many questions, many of which he has never had to...