Tagged: House

Inside of a Cocaine Lab – San Agustín, Colombia

Inside of a Cocaine Lab – San Agustín, Colombia

I wish I could say that we were inside of a pristine shiny and sterile cocaine lab that I had pictured in my mind with people wearing baby-blue uniforms similar to what a nurse would have on with dust masks over their faces while machines made noises in the background. But it was nothing like that. It was way dirtier. We were taken to someone’s house.

Colt 44 in the House

Colt 44 in the House

Colt 44 in the House [su_dropcap]T[/su_dropcap]o live with 20 year olds is to live among dangerous stupidity sometimes.  This will be my last segment of this adventure as we are/have all moved out of the house.  This is from a couple of weeks ago… We have a new guy who moved into the house a couple of days ago named Walter.  Walter is an old friend of the boys, well as old of a friend as a post high-school friend...