Tagged: Fear

Santuario Nacional del Angel de la Santa Muerte: Mexico City

Santuario Nacional del Angel de la Santa Muerte: Mexico City

Santuario Nacional del Angel de la Santa Muerte: Mexico City. December 15. It took us a while to get out of the house.  Everyone is exhausted.  We have been hitting Mexico City hard for about two weeks now.  Eventually all three of us were ready. My date from last night had asked me what I was planning to do today.  I told her that my friends and I were going to visit Santuario Nacional del Angel de la Santa Muerte,...

Gisenyi: Spinning Tires

Gisenyi: Spinning Tires

Gisenyi: Spinning Tires. Feb 4 [su_note note_color=”#b0b1b6″ text_color=”#030303″ radius=”1″]Well this is fantastic…. “Either you’re happy with very little, free from all of that extra luggage, because you have happiness on the inside or you don’t get anywhere!  I am not advocating poverty.  I am advocating sobriety.  But since we have invented a consumer society, the economy must constantly grow.  If it fails to increase, it’s a tragedy.  We have invented a mountain of superfluous needs.  Shopping for the new, discarding...