Robert: Buffalo vs Dogs Trap-Line Incident
After the wolves ran away, the buffalo saw my dogs and he charged my dogs. He came straight down the trail. That’s why my dog-sled pack leader was trying to stop because she knew that buffalo was there…
After the wolves ran away, the buffalo saw my dogs and he charged my dogs. He came straight down the trail. That’s why my dog-sled pack leader was trying to stop because she knew that buffalo was there…
Dog Sledding in Fort Chipewyan. Fort Chipewyan, Alberta, Canada. 13 January 2018. I had an alarm set for 08:05. Neither Julie nor I wanted to get up but time was of the essence in Fort Chipewyan. Of course, there is time to be used wisely when you are on holidays. And even when you have a massive day, it is important to take partake in vacation horizontal bed dancing. The world can wait! Julie and I packed up, showered up, and headed...