Tagged: Bicycle

Crossing from China to North Korea

Crossing from China to North Korea – Part 2

Crossing from China to North Korea. [su_note note_color=”#b0b1bb” text_color=”#030303″ radius=”6″]Disclaimer: You probably want to read about how scary and frightening it was to cross from China into North Korea to spend some days in the Hermit Kingdom.  You probably want to hear how I dangerous it was and the terror I felt every minute that I was within the country. It was none of that. It was nothing like you would ever imagine. A trip to North Korea is a...

Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona: Bicycling

Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona: Bicycling

Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona: Bicycling. August 4. Life was a dandy of a beach all day.  That meant beer, sand and swimming.  Things can get worse, but I hope they never do. We met a couple from Portugal today.  They are Pedro and Sarah and they have been bicycling  south for 15 months.  They started in Boston in May of last year.  That must feel pretty good to tell people.  They have 9 months left until they need to make it...

La Paz: Death Road

La Paz: Death Road

La Paz: Death Road. May 8. There was no way I was willing to hung over for today, so I was a very good boy last night.  Not all of the boys were though, and there were some hangovers as we headed out of La Paz to Death Road.  It cost us 450 Bolivianos for a downhill suspension bike, all equipment, two meals, and a van to follow us on the drive.  It was cold at the summit where we...