Tagged: Vomit

Arusha to Mbeya: Leap Year Country Crossing

Arusha to Mbeya: Leap Year Country Crossing

Arusha to Mbeya: Leap Year Country Crossing. Feb 29 [su_note note_color=”#b0b1b6″ text_color=”#030303″ radius=”6″]I should make a series of my leap year blogs together to see how much I have changed every four years.  It might be an interesting activity…[/su_note] Up at 04:48, showered, checked out of my dungeon hotel room and rushed off to the bus station.  Found a ticket from Arusha to Mbeya for 56,000 ($25.50). Likely paid too much but it was too early to think. Found out...

Isla Floreana to Isla Santa Cruz: The Vomiting

Isla Floreana to Isla Santa Cruz: The Vomiting

Isla Floreana to Isla Santa Cruz: The Vomiting. June 24. Time to get back to a center, so I went down to the docks at 10am to find a boat driver that was heading from Isla Floreana to Isla Santa Cruz later in the day and found a captain who would take me for $30.  There are no tour operators and there is no one to sell you a ticket to get from Isla Floreana to Isla Santa Cruz if you did...

Isla Isabella to Isla Santa Cruz: Not Cruz-ing with Pleasure

Isla Isabella to Isla Santa Cruz: Not Cruz-ing with Pleasure

Isla Isabella to Isla Santa Cruz: Not Cruz-ing with Pleasure. June 15. I was up at 4:30am to catch my 5:20am check in for my boat from Isla Isabella to Isla Santa Cruz.  A solid four hours of sleep.  I know the world thinks that I live this glorious life of just travelling and sleeping in late and hanging out at the beach and partying at night.  It is a good gig that I have, but it is not the...

Sucre: Shitting on the Toilet, Pissing on the Floor

Sucre: Shitting on the Toilet, Pissing on the Floor

Sucre: Shitting on the Toilet, Pissing on the Floor. April 30. Brain exercise equals a very deep sleep. Last night I slept hard in Sucre.  I would call it power sleeping.  I can not remember that last time that I slept that hard.  I usually wake up just before my alarm.  I think I was actually in a coma when my alarm went off at 7:20am this morning.  So that makes me wonder, do we have shitty sleeps at night...