Tagged: San Agustín

San Agustín to Popayán – The Best of Tricky Scenarios

San Agustín to Popayán – The Best of Tricky Scenarios

San Agustín to Popayán: The Best of Tricky Scenarios. July 27. I woke up this morning and had a decision to make.  I could either stay another night in the hostel of the cocaine maker and see how that went, or I could go back to Popayán where three girls are not very happy with me.  I decided on the later.  I felt like there was less chance of being murdered there, and more chance of charm getting me out...

Inside of a Cocaine Lab – San Agustín, Colombia

Inside of a Cocaine Lab – San Agustín, Colombia

I wish I could say that we were inside of a pristine shiny and sterile cocaine lab that I had pictured in my mind with people wearing baby-blue uniforms similar to what a nurse would have on with dust masks over their faces while machines made noises in the background. But it was nothing like that. It was way dirtier. We were taken to someone’s house.

Popayán to San Agustín – The Worst Road in Colombia, So Far

Popayán to San Agustín – The Worst Road in Colombia, So Far

Popayán to San Agustín – The Worst Road in Colombia, So Far. July 25. Colombia is the type of country where a man in the center of a town square has a scale at his feet, and he will charge you C$1000 to find out your weight.  Opportunistic.  Colombia also calls people who want to sell you crap, ‘Snake Charmers.’  I like that.  Colombia also has traffic rules but is also a ‘make your own rules’ kind of country.  Many...