Tagged: Party

Sturgis Biker Rally 2018 - Journal

Sturgis Biker Rally 2018 – Journal

Sturgis Biker Rally 2018 – Journal. 7 August 2018 ..Not Larry and I took Vern the Van to the car doctor. There has been a situation with Vern dripping oil from the cover on the rear-differential. The problem was that we needed someone to get the rounded-off fill-plug out of the rear-end (…that sounds like a perversion). It took four different places to find someone who would work on it, but someone finally took on the job. That cost $45...

Entering the Northwest Territories: Fort Chipewyan to Fort Smith.

Entering the Northwest Territories of Canada: Fort Chipewyan to Fort Smith.

Entering the Northwest Territories: Fort Chipewyan to Fort Smith. 13 January 2018 (continued. Click here for dog sledding first part). Fort Chipewyan, Alberta, Canada.  At 13:00, after some convincing from everyone in the community, Julie and I left Barbara and Robert Grandjambe’s house, gassed up the car up in Fort Chipewayn for $1.60/liter, and drove north. It would be a 3.5 hour trip from Fort Chipewyan, Alberta to Fort Smith, Northwest Territories. Neither Julie nor I had been to any...

The Bloodhound Gang are Wankers

“The Bloodhound Gang are Wankers!”

Anyone ever heard of a band called Electric Eel Shock?  There is a reason why you haven’t.  The reason why you haven’t heard of Electric Eel Shock is because I managed them.  And I may have held them back.  But they are a fantastic band, from Japan.  I toured with them from 2003, and I’m still a little bit involved.  I fired myself.  They are too nice to fire me.  And I fired myself ’cause I thought I was holding them back.

Johannesburg: Affluent Rock and Roll Party

March 19 South Africa had quite a history, some of it very dark.  On February 1st 1991, a signing of a national peace accord took place where former president F. W. de Klerk promised to end an apartheid legislation and end the segregation of whites and blacks.  Up until 1991, covering a time frame of about 20 years, South Africa had a dark mark on their name because of the partisan.  This proud sports nation involved in cricket, rugby, football, where...

Making Music in a Senior Citizen's Home

Making Music in a Senior Citizen’s Center

My father was hanging out with me in the basement, and then he began getting his band equipment together to haul upstairs to load into the car. He told me that he had a gig to play at the senior citizens’ home in Coronach, the next town over. My father is a very youthful 78-years-of-age. I asked him if he needed a roadie for making music. He was happy to have another set of hands to carry equipment, so I decided that I would join him for his performance. Once we got everything into the car, we had a quick sandwich in the house. As we were about to run out the door one of my brothers called. I knew we were short on time but my dad was too polite to say so and he talked to my brother as I watched the anxiousness build up in him as time was ticking by. Eventually, dad got off the phone and we jumped in the car to race the ordinary 15 minute drive from the ranch to town.

New Gringo King

Popayán – Colombia’s New Gringo King

July 4 This is getting out of control, but it is as much fun as I could possibly be having.  Colombia has a New Gringo King!  I am on a hot streak that is so awesome that I nearly burn things that I sit on… I woke up in a lot of dog hair from the shaggy creature that lives in the house of my friend Glory.  Actually, Glory woke me up as she was on her phone all morning...

Cotacachi: Inti Raymi Party of the Sun.

Cotacachi: Inti Raymi Party of the Sun

Cotacachi: Inti Raymi Party of the Sun. June 30. Part 1: I met a random person in the Otavalo post office today who told me through my broken Spanish that there was a huge fiesta taking place in Cotacachi, a village 15 minutes away.  Never interested in missing a party, I headed for the town on a $0.25 bus. Cotacachi is an almost entirely indigenous Ecuadorian community and it took me hours to find out what the peculiar festival taking place...

Isla Floreana to Isla Santa Cruz: The Vomiting

Isla Floreana to Isla Santa Cruz: The Vomiting

Isla Floreana to Isla Santa Cruz: The Vomiting. June 24. Time to get back to a center, so I went down to the docks at 10am to find a boat driver that was heading from Isla Floreana to Isla Santa Cruz later in the day and found a captain who would take me for $30.  There are no tour operators and there is no one to sell you a ticket to get from Isla Floreana to Isla Santa Cruz if you did...

Galapagos: Isla Floreana Bahia Post Office Barrel

Galapagos: Isla Floreana Bahia Post Office Barrel

Galapagos: Isla Floreana Bahia Post Office Barrel. June 23. I found out at 6am this morning that the boat that the fantasy girls and their guide had organized would not be taking us to the Bahia Post Office, which is another beach very difficult to get to by foot on Isla Floreana.  The Isla Floreana Bahia Post Office Barrel has existed since the 1800’s and it is where ships used to leave mail they wanted delivered in a barrel.  If you...

Entertaining Older Gals

Isla Floreana, Galapagos – Entertaining Older Gals

June 22 I climbed a volcanic mountain in the afternoon and then spent the rest of the day drinking beer with a couple of older ladies, one of whom was Sheelagh from England, aged 63.  Entertaining Older Gals.  When the store that we wanted to buy beer from was on a siesta that seemed to be taking too long, Sheelagh went to the back door of the hotel and found herself in the kitchen.  Against the wall on the right...

Isla San Cristóbal, Galapagos – Swimming with Sharks

Isla San Cristóbal, Galapagos – Swimming with Sharks

Isla San Cristóbal, Galapagos – Swimming with Sharks. June 19. On never enough sleep because I like to party as much as I like to tour, I dragged my ass out of bed at 7am to get to the boat on time.  It was $80 for a day adventure to Kicker Rock/León Dormido to snorkel with sharks, rays and turtles.  All companies are about the same calibre when buying the trip, but the price varies from place to place and...

Cochabamba to La Paz: Living on Buses

Cochabamba to La Paz: Living on Buses

Cochabamba to La Paz: Living on Buses. May 6. We arrived in Cochabamba at about 6am.  I ran into an Israeli/Dutch girl in the bus station there that I knew from Potosi and Sucre. The Dusty Gringo Trail… We caught a taxi to a hostel that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, which also seemed to be in the richest area of the city, which we assumed was the part built with cocaine money.  We stayed at the...

Tinku Festival in Bolivia – Part 2, The Fights

Breakfast was at 8:30am, and I was the last to arrive. I was still feeling effects of the chicha, the local corn-moonshine we had been drinking with the locals last night when the fiesta began. It was a breakfast that would have pleased me had it been a couple of hours later. But, after a quick meal of bread and jam, my Swedish friends and I headed towards the square to see what was taking place.

Tinku Festival in Macha, Bolivia

Tinku Festival in Bolivia – Part 1, The Fighting Fiesta Build Up

Tinku Festival in Macha, Bolivia. Part 1, The Fighting Fiesta Build Up (Click here for Part 2 – The Fights) May 3 As I went to bed early to get a good night of sleep in the dorm of my hostel, a couple followed me into the room.  As I came out of the bathroom, they were standing there with the lights on making out like I was not standing in a proximity too close to be making out so...

Montevideo to Buenos Aires: No Sleep City

Montevideo to Buenos Aires: No Sleep City

Montevideo to Buenos Aires: No Sleep City. April 5. I woke up when Irmante was kicking the bottom of my bunk bed.  I looked down at her.  She told me it was noon.  Time to get moving from Montevideo to Buenos Aires.  We had to hurry to pull ourselves together to get to the ferry.  She was really hung over and sick and grumpy and miserable about everything.  But, she came through the other side. It cost us $37 U.S....

Montevideo Party Time

Montevideo Party Time

Montevideo Party Time.  March 30. Lazy, and out of bed at 12:30pm.  I was tired.  Irmante was sick as a sick dog because she did not starve herself from food and water to choke the sunofagun of a cold off.  So, I went on a health shopping spree for her and tried to sort her future out.  I drew a mustache on her with a marker.  It was a rainy shitty day. I made buddies with the guy who runs...

A Goat for a Wedding Present

A Goat for a Wedding Present

A Goat for a Wedding Present It was a Friday afternoon when Fatty called me and asked if I want to go 50/50 in buying a goat with him for our friend Luke’s wedding present.  Fatty had originally asked Luke if he wanted a raccoon or a badger for the nuptial tribute.  Luke jokingly said, “A badger.”  But, short of time to try to catch one of those, Fatty came up with this other fantastic idea.  Gifting Luke and Kimberlee...