Tagged: Hung Over

Big Beaver: Clown Costume Aftermath.

Big Beaver: Clown Costume Aftermath

Big Beaver: Clown Costume Aftermath. August 30.   Showing up for a party at night in clothing fit for a clown is fun.  Waking up the next day hung over and realizing that you will have to put the clown costume clothes on again to get home is a lousy feeling.  It is awful to feel terrible and have to battle though the day in such apparel.  It limits what you are willing to do.  There was no way I...

Popayán: This Country Rocks

Popayán: This Country Rocks

Popayán: This Country Rocks. July 5. The sound of a Gibson Les Paul is one of the most sexy sounds I know of.  I have been listening to a lot of Guns N Roses again.  Sometimes an album makes you play it, and the when you hear it again for the first time in three years or so you wonder why in the hell you had shelved the album for so long.  That is what is happening to Appetite for...