Tagged: Hard Rock

Ethiopia to London – I am ‘Home’!

April 30 I arrived in my lovely and wonderful London at 07:00. My ‘London home’ feeling. The immigration man was typically English witty.   ‘STAMP’! [su_pullquote]Hearing the name ‘Cockfosters’ again for the first time in months is still ridiculous.[/su_pullquote] Fundon, I am home.   London…Baby, I am so glad to be here.  Everything about you is exciting.  Getting on the Tube is exciting.  Using my British bank card with no foreign fees is exciting.  Blending in as a typical white...

São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro

São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro

São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro. February 26. [su_dropcap]I[/su_dropcap] got up at 7:45am to pack at Carolina’s place in São Paulo, Brazil to pack.  I told Carol that I am worried about how my partying and sleeping around is going to bother her and I never want her to feel shitty.  She told me, “Don’t worry about it.  What you have when you are is what you have when you are here, and this is why is works.”  Wow!  Wow…  An...