Tagged: Gringo

Popayán to San Agustín – The Worst Road in Colombia, So Far

Popayán to San Agustín – The Worst Road in Colombia, So Far

Popayán to San Agustín – The Worst Road in Colombia, So Far. July 25. Colombia is the type of country where a man in the center of a town square has a scale at his feet, and he will charge you C$1000 to find out your weight.  Opportunistic.  Colombia also calls people who want to sell you crap, ‘Snake Charmers.’  I like that.  Colombia also has traffic rules but is also a ‘make your own rules’ kind of country.  Many...

Medellin to Popayán: Medellin City Tour.

Medellin to Popayán: Medellin City Tour

Medellin to Popayán: Medellin City Tour. July 24. Getting out of bed with a gorgeous naked woman at 7am when you are on vacation to go on a Medellin City Tour is difficult.  I had been recommended the free Medellin City Tour by three different people, so I put my immediate thoughts of interest aside and headed for the shower.  A cold water shower because there is no hot available will certainly extinguish any lingering ulterior thoughts. Our guide was a...

San Cipraino to Bogota: Jungle Waterfalls and the Appalling French

San Cipraino to Bogota: Jungle Waterfalls and the Appalling French

San Cipraino to Bogota: Jungle Waterfalls and the Appalling French. July 16. I made friends with an American named Eric who was raised in Switzerland from the time he was 4 until he was 12.  Swiss-German was his first language that he was fluent in and he attended a Swiss-German school during that time. His family went back to the U.S. when he was 12 where he enrolled in an English speaking school.  Three years later when he was 15...

Popayán to Cali: Hanging Out With a Stoner

Popayán to Cali: Hanging Out With a Stoner

Popayán to Cali: Hanging Out With a Stoner. July 14. Maartje! I just want you to know that I am pretty high right now. I am in Cali. I am not sure the last time I smoked pot. Maybe in November. I was bored and I needed a weird adventure. Now I am stuck with ‘high me’ who is never very smart. That is why I hardly ever smoke pot. I am not sure why people would ever constantly want...

Sucre: The Gringo Trail

Sucre: The Gringo Trail

Sucre: The Gringo Trail. April 28. I hung out all day with a French girl.  She speaks good Spanish and helped me to sort out some things that need to be done in my life.  I do not speak good Spanish.  That makes sorting out my life a bit of a hassle.  It is just a bit tricky to try to deal with a guy in a shop about making new Beaver sticker and trying to get a camera man...