6 Search results

For the term "tinku".

Tinku Festival in Bolivia – Part 2, The Fights

Breakfast was at 8:30am, and I was the last to arrive. I was still feeling effects of the chicha, the local corn-moonshine we had been drinking with the locals last night when the fiesta began. It was a breakfast that would have pleased me had it been a couple of hours later. But, after a quick meal of bread and jam, my Swedish friends and I headed towards the square to see what was taking place.

Tinku Festival in Macha, Bolivia

Tinku Festival in Bolivia – Part 1, The Fighting Fiesta Build Up

Tinku Festival in Macha, Bolivia. Part 1, The Fighting Fiesta Build Up (Click here for Part 2 – The Fights) May 3 As I went to bed early to get a good night of sleep in the dorm of my hostel, a couple followed me into the room.  As I came out of the bathroom, they were standing there with the lights on making out like I was not standing in a proximity too close to be making out so...

Hire Me

Interested in working together? I have been busy terrorizing the planet writing stories most people dream about writing and pursuing a life most people dream about living. I’ve shared most of my adventures on my blog, but also with reputable publications such as The Huffington Post and Europe’s Famous Hostels. Here is a look at some of my cool works for you to have a gander.  But there is more.  Much more.  Whoooeee, there is more: Walking on Eggshells –...

Cotacachi: Inti Raymi Party of the Sun.

Cotacachi: Inti Raymi Party of the Sun

Cotacachi: Inti Raymi Party of the Sun. June 30. Part 1: I met a random person in the Otavalo post office today who told me through my broken Spanish that there was a huge fiesta taking place in Cotacachi, a village 15 minutes away.  Never interested in missing a party, I headed for the town on a $0.25 bus. Cotacachi is an almost entirely indigenous Ecuadorian community and it took me hours to find out what the peculiar festival taking place...

Potosi to Cochabamba: A Connection and a Near Miss

Potosi to Cochabamba: A Connection and a Near Miss

Potosi to Cochabamba: A Connection and a Near Miss. May 5. Last night after we got back to the hostel in Potosi, I had a visitor who asked to remain anonymous because of this blog.  But it was really nice to have her over and spend some time with her.  She actually did not even want to be mentioned and told me to write about everything except her, but I can not change what I have been doing for 9...

Cool Videos!

Carlos – My Bodacious Boxing Bud! My buddy Carlos in White Collar Boxing! Toe to toe with another man for three rounds of two minutes. It was awesome to watch. I spent the first round recording the bout. I spent the second round taking photos. And I spent the third round yelling so hard during the fight that I was sweating when it was finished. 24 June 2016 -Brixton, London, England.   The Roadrunners full concerts. Television recordings from Weyburn...