Tagged: Guns N Roses

Guns 'N Roses Concert - Edmonton, Alberta.

Guns ‘N Roses Concert – Edmonton, Alberta.

Guns ‘N Roses Concert – Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  30 August 2017. I was up at 09:00 and my 17-year-old cousin Trevor was up and at it by 10:00 so that we could get on the road.  He and I got into his car and headed 5.5 hours north to Edmonton, Alberta… …Guns ‘N Roses. On the drive on the way there, I bought tickets on Stubhub for $145 ($183 CDN) for seats on the bottom of the Commonwealth Stadium, 36...

Popayán: This Country Rocks

Popayán: This Country Rocks

Popayán: This Country Rocks. July 5. The sound of a Gibson Les Paul is one of the most sexy sounds I know of.  I have been listening to a lot of Guns N Roses again.  Sometimes an album makes you play it, and the when you hear it again for the first time in three years or so you wonder why in the hell you had shelved the album for so long.  That is what is happening to Appetite for...

Axl's Roses - Guns 'N Roses

Axl’s Roses

Axl’s Roses [su_dropcap]I[/su_dropcap] got up early to go to work for that all staff meeting.  I worked in the afternoon as a host at Hard Rock Cafe and after my shift I went with two girl coworkers to their house and got changed to get ready for the Guns ‘N Roses/Axl’s Roses concert.  I wore my plaid party pants, 1970’s shirt, and one of the girls back-combed my hair to give me an afro.  My hair was huge and it looked...